The ISCSET Committee warmly invites authors from diverse backgrounds and perspectives to submit their latest research findings to our hybrid symposium, offering both in-person and online participation. We welcome innovative work that advances the field and fosters inclusive discussions, and we look forward to showcasing cutting-edge developments during this event.
Submit Paper
coming soon...
- IEEE Format: All submissions must follow the IEEE manuscript guidelines.
- File Type: Only PDF files are accepted for initial and final submission.
- Originality: Submissions must be original, unpublished, and not under review elsewhere.
- Length: Full papers are limited to 4 pages of main text (excluding abstract, acknowledgments, and references).
- Online Portal: Submission details will be posted on the symposium website.
- Confirmation: Authors will receive an email confirming receipt of their papers.
- Camera-Ready Manuscript: Authors of accepted papers must submit a camera-ready version in PDF format, incorporating any required revisions from the reviewers.
- Presenter Requirement: Each accepted paper must be presented live (in-person or online) by one of its authors. The online platform will be announced soon.
- Presentation Slot & Duration: Each paper will be allocated a standard presentation slot as detailed in the program. Presenters are expected to adhere to the allocated time to ensure a smooth and organized schedule.
- Equipment Setup: Presenters may use their own devices or the conference-provided setup to display slides.
- Backup Video: We request each online presenter to prepare a backup video (mp4 with audio) in case unexpected circumstances prevent live participation.
- Slides & Video Submission: Please submit your presentation slides (.pptx or .pdf) and the backup video (.mp4) before the symposium to facilitate scheduling and avoid technical difficulties.
- Best Paper Award: This is granted to the author(s) of an outstanding paper demonstrating innovation, depth, and clarity.
- Best Presentation Award: This recognizes excellence in oral delivery, slide design, and audience engagement.
- Conference Proceedings: All papers that are accepted and presented will be published in the conference proceedings in IEEE Xplore.
- Author Registration: At least one author of each accepted paper must register for the symposium by the indicated deadline.
- No-Show Policy: Papers not presented at the symposium will be excluded from the final proceedings.
For questions or further information, please email: